How To Get Rid Of Rodents On Your San Antonio Property


How To Get Rid Of Rodents On Your San Antonio Property

The Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), the roof or black rat (Rattus rattus), and the house mouse (Mus musculus) reportedly were originally from Asia but have traveled all over the world with people as they explored new lands. They have lived with humans so long that they find it hard to live anywhere else. These rodents don’t just invade homes and businesses, they also invade grain storage silos, farm and ranch buildings, sheds, and garages.


Norway Rat

Norway rats are brown above and grey or brownish-grey on their bellies. They are solid and robust-looking. They weigh between 7-18 ounces. Norway rats have a scaly tail shorter than their bodies and small, naked ears. They burrow under buildings and destabilize them. They do not climb well, so they tend to stay in the walls, basements, and foundations. Norway rats are aggressive and will eat roof rats and mice (and each other) if they catch them.

Roof Rat

Roof rats are brown with a grey to white belly. They are sleek and agile and like to climb. They weigh 5-10 ounces. They often climb into the attics of buildings. Roof rats have a dark tail with small scales on it that will reach to their nose. They have furry ears that will cover their eyes if folded over.

House Mouse

The house mouse is usually light brownish to gray. They have relatively large ears, black, shiny eyes, and weigh about ½ an ounce. They are 5 to 7 inches long, including the 3- to 4-inch tail.

Damage Rodents Do

All three rodents, as well as the occasional squirrel, can do a lot of damage and cause diseases. Rodents are attracted to wires and will chew on them. They tear up insulation to make their nests, urinate, leave behind feces, destroy food, and contaminate what they don’t eat. When they chew on wires, these rodents can destroy motor vehicle engines and cause fires in houses and commercial buildings.

Between the rats and mice, they can spread leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), tularemia, salmonellosis, and rat-bite fever. They also carry fleas and ticks into buildings.

Why They Come

Rats and mice come into your home or business in search of food, water, and shelter. Rats and mice are omnivorous, so will eat anything they find. They frequently find garbage at commercial buildings. Food courts are a rodent’s best friend. If garbage is not taken frequently to a dumpster and disposed of, rodents will start to come in and eat it. When they find food that isn’t in rodent-proof containers, they eat that, too. That can be disastrous when the health department finds out.

In homes, rodents will often base themselves in the kitchen. Any spills, leftover pet food, garbage that is not in rodent-proof containers, and food that is not in rodent-proof containers will get eaten or fouled by rodents. Clutter, such as old magazines or newspapers, gives rodents a place to hide and material to make nests with. While a clean home is not immune to rodents, a messy one definitely attracts them.


Mice can squeeze through a hole the size of a dime. That makes it easy for them to get into most homes and commercial buildings. Here are some tips to keep them out:

  • Put steel wool in all cracks or holes in the foundation that are ¼ inch or larger and caulk it in. 

  • Fill openings around pipes, electrical wires, and cables with steel wool and seal them with caulk. 

  • Put trash in containers with tight-fitting lids. 

  • Put food in rodent-proof containers. 

  • Clean up food spills quickly. 

  • Remove trash from the building and put it in rodent-proof trash containers or dumpsters and keep the lids closed. 

  • Pick up pet food after your pet finishes eating each meal. 

  • Store pet food in rodent-proof containers. 

  • Remove clutter from the home or building. 

  • Enroll your home or building in a quarterly pest prevention program with SATX Pest Control.

Get Professional Help

Because rodents are so dangerous, you cannot afford to have them in your house or business building. It is very difficult to get rid of them on your own. SATX Pest Control can help. We are experienced at eliminating rodents. Our inspection is free and our services are guaranteed. Contact SATX Pest Control today to get rid of your rodents. We offer both home pest control as well as commercial pest management services.